URGENT - We are delivering aid into Gaza and Lebanon, but much more is needed
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Our Work with Irish Aid

Irish Aid is the Government of Ireland’s development cooperation programme. Irish Aid’s support to our education programming and it’s emergency funding is key in bringing quality, inclusive education to children and girls around the world. And Irish Aid emergency funding enables us to respond to new emergencies at speed when they arise, saving lives and alleviating suffering.


SQRIBE is a 5-year programme funded by Irish Aid in West Africa. The goal of SQRIBE is for vulnerable and marginalised children affected by conflict realise their rights to access and benefit from a Safe, Quality, Resilient, and Inclusion-Based, Education (SQRIBE). SQRIBE is being implemented across 6 countries in West Africa, including Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Burkina Faso, Mali, CAR, and Cameroon.

Acute Crisis Stream

The Irish Aid Acute Crisis Stream pre-positions a defined amount of funds to Plan International Ireland each year. This works to facilitate our ability to react immediately through access to these standby funds. Crises supported this year included the Syrian earthquake, the food crisis in Haiti, Cyclone Freddy in Malawi, the dam destruction in Ukraine and a WASH project in Sudan.

Global Citizenship Education

The Global Citizenship Education (GCE) programme focuses on social justice issues in Ireland. It entails three educational pillars: Formal (teachers), informal (broad public) and non-formal (Plan International Ireland’s Youth Advisory Panel). Through their engagement, programme participants strengthen their values like equality and solidarity, and build capacities in campaigning and advocacy. Together, they help creating a more just society worldwide – think global, act local!