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Connect With Your Sponsored Child

Connecting with your sponsored child has never been easier, faster or greener. Just click here to send us an email with your details and message. Feel free to add in a couple of pictures too. 

Writing to your sponsored child

For some, child sponsorship is a special relationship. Beyond the financial contributions you make as a sponsor, just being there, writing the occasional note, thinking of them – that’s why sponsoring a child is so special.

That intangible idea that far, far away, across huge distances, people are coming together, sharing dreams and hopes, daily happenings and milestones – it’s what sponsoring a child with Plan International Ireland is all about.

Children love to receive photos and letters giving them a fuller picture of what life is like in Ireland.

A letter from your sponsored child can inform you, inspire you… and make you laugh!

“I’m confused,” wrote Sereni from Tanzania, “you said you grow vegetables but I thought in your country there are only buildings with so many people and no space!”

“My biggest dream is to study and become a doctor so I can have a bicycle and a ball,” wrote Joel from El Salvador.

Stuck for ideas on what to say?

Why not tell them about what you enjoy doing at this time of year and what winter is like where you live?

The sooner we receive your letter, the quicker it can begin its long journey across the world to arrive at your sponsored child’s community.

Sending gifts to your sponsored child

Optional, small and inexpensive gifts are a welcome addition to the birthday cards or letters sent to children. Items like stickers, colouring pencils, notepads and other educational items are always appreciated.

Please note there are weight and size limits to what can be sent: Max size A4 envelope & 150g in weight.

If you would like any ideas on what to send, just give us a call on 01 568 5861 and we would be happy to advise. You can read our gift guide here.

Please see the list below of recommended items, and items we cannot send.


School Supplies

Pens, paper, colouring pencils and books are all great gifts that a child can share


Skipping ropes & small board games provide hours of entertainment


Hairclips, stickers and stamps are always really well received


Clothes & Cosmetics

T-shirts, caps, soap and makeup

Food, Plants or Liquids

Sweets, seeds & paints

Expensive Gifts

Watches, metals & money


We would love to send all the gifts sponsors want to send to children. However, to promote fairness we urge you to keep things as simple as possible and follow the above guidelines.

That way some children are not getting more than others and it helps us manage expectations in the best way possible.

If you would like any  ideas on what to send, just give us a call on 01 568 5861 and we would be happy to advise.