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Autumn Newsletter

Our Plan, Your Impact, Her Future.

Welcome to the latest edition of Your Plan, where the heart of Plan International Ireland’s work comes to life through the stories of those impacted with your support. This issue highlights how your assistance is transforming the lives of children in crisis zones, from providing child friendly spaces in conflict ridden Sudan, to delivering vital aid to those in Gaza. 

Inside, you’ll discover the remarkable strides we’re making together in enabling out of school children to return to education, supporting young refugees, and empowering girls to follow their dreams. Your commitment is driving real change by creating safe and inclusive spaces for learning and growth where it’s needed most. 

Yet, there’s still much more to achieve. Our fight for girls’ rights continues as they face challenges like early marriage and period stigmas. Together, we can create a lasting impact and ensure every child has the opportunity to thrive. We can’t achieve this without you. 

Explore the 2024 issue of Your Plan and see the profound impact of your generosity. 

Your Plan
Autumn Newlsetter

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